Saturday, July 30, 2011


                    A bit of information that you might like to know about.  A friend of ours is an entomologist (insect expert), and has been telling them that there is an epidemic of bed bugs now occuring in America.

Recently I have heard on the news that several stores have had to close due to bed bug problems, as well as a complete mall in New Jersey.  He says that since much of our clothing, sheets, towels, etc. now comes from companies outside  of America, even the most expensive stores sell foreign clothing from all over the world  The bed bugs are coming in on the clothing.

He recommends that IF YOU BUY ANY NEW CLOTHING, even under ware and socks, sheets, towels, etc. that you bring them into the house and PUT THEM IN YOUR CLOTHES DRYER FOR AT LEAST 20 MINUTES.  THE HEAT WILL KILL THEM AND THEIR EGGS.  DO NOT PURCHASE CLOTHES AND HANG THEM IN THE CLOSET FIRST. 

It does not matter what the price range is of the clothing, or if the outfit comes from the most expensive store known in the U.S.  They still get shipments from all over the world and the bugs can come in a box of scarves or anything else for that matter.  That is the reason why so many stores, many of them clothing stores have had to shut down in NYC and other places.   All you need is to bring one item into the house that has bugs or eggs and you will wish you had never heard of them before you get rid of them.  He travels all over the country as an advisor to many of these stores, as prevention and after they have the problem.

Friday, July 29, 2011


"Oooooh the pain! a wasp stung my nose!"


Be wary of your pets and stinging insects! Although it may be fun to watch our pets chase a bug across the floor or yard, it could potentially sting your pet. In some cases, we are none the wiser that they have been stung, as they show no signs other than being startled at the time of the sting; in other cases it is more problematic as our pets could have an allergic reaction to the sting and could develop hives on their torso and legs, and even have their muzzle swell causing pain and discomfort.
If you think your pet could be reacting to an insect bite/sting, please call your veterinarian clinic

Monday, July 18, 2011

Help stop animal abuse in movies

I  received this and think is worth sharing and there is a link at the bottom to the article on the net.    Everyone can form their own conclusions, tho I feel there is some truth to this.    If you agree, please keep forwarding.
 PLEASE – READ BELOW … and then … DO NOT SUPPORT THESE MOVIES … OR ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM! Why should they ‘get rich’ on the backs of suffering animals????!!

Additionally, please spread the word … all over the country.  Remember, a committed group CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE – although, sadly, not for these animals.

One of the dirty little secrets is the abuse of animals in movies. 

Patch reports that on Wednesday, activists protested the premiere over animal abuse allegations. Tweet, the giraffe, collapsed and died after wrapping his 'Zookeeper' scenes. According to PETA, "Tweet spent the last few months of his life confined to a 20-foot-by-20-foot stall, which was barely large enough for the 18-foot-tall giraffe to lie down in. In their natural habitat, giraffes live in vast home ranges of up to 400 square miles.

Earlier this year, reports surfaced that an elephant named Tai was abused by trainers. Video footage showed Tai and other elephants being beaten with bull hooks and receiving electric shocks, screaming out in pain. The animal was featured in the film "WATER  FOR ELEPHANTS" and is reportedly in "Zookeeper" as well. Tai's abuse outraged viewers and animal rights activists, prompting a lawsuit against the training team and a reward offered for reporting abusive trainers.

Carol Johnson"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight." ~ Albert Schweitzer
Don't buy while they die!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Veterinary Clinic now accepting "exotic" and "pocket" Pets

Pine Ridge Veterinary Clinic
483 Ontario St., Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 3C1

Attention exotic & pocket pet owners!

We are happy to inform you that Dr. Karen McKenzie is now accepting “exotic” and “pocket” pets as patients such as hamsters, gerbils, ferrets, budgies, cockatiels, parrots, snakes, lizards etc.! Dr. McKenzie has several years experience treating & handling exotic pets in the Toronto area before coming to the Northumberland County area, including Cobourg and Port Hope Ontario. Currently we are accepting appointments for exotic pets on most Friday afternoons & Saturdays. So, if you have a small mammal, reptile or avian friend give us a call to book your appointment to see Dr. McKenzie!

Still got that itchy, scratchy feeling??
It could be allergies!
With the summer weather now on us we have been seeing an increasing number of pets with seasonal allergies! If you've noticed your pet itching more than usual, or they have unusual pimples, or you have noticed a reddening of their skin,
give us a call for an appointment so we can determine what’s bugging your pet